rminiseriestitle.jpg (75550 bytes)

It's amazing how much unadulterated Rogue was stuffed into four little
comic books.  For your enjoyment, here's a little taste.

Again, ALL these images were scanned in and edited by me.
They are here to share with you.  But, if you want them on your own site,
please give this site credit.

Warning:  Some large images- remember that perfection takes time ;-)

Copy of editedroguecover.jpg (174702 bytes) rnrroses.jpg (140127 bytes)


rogcoverbattle.jpg (542171 bytes) roglastgbyecover.jpg (337496 bytes)
rogue1p3frame1.jpg (89695 bytes) rogue4determined.jpg (177090 bytes) rogue4savecody.jpg (184004 bytes) roguebkoom.jpg (365791 bytes)
rogueflirtwjets.jpg (277300 bytes) rogueflyinp1.jpg (204758 bytes) roguepeoptosee.jpg (237126 bytes) roguesaveremybutt.jpg (569411 bytes)

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Name of character and the distinctive likeness thereof are Trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used with permission.
Copyright 2001 Marvel Characters, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.