R o g u e  R a n t s


The below rant is now canceled (as of this date, 6/20/02)!  Marvel hasn't bothered me in a year!  Perhaps they truly DO think my fan page is "important".  Or perhaps it is the opposite... and that is even better.

By the way, thanks to all the people who've harrassed me to update this page!  It's nice to know that I've made a positive impact on the copy-cat flushed net.  The number of rogue pages has shot up over the past two years- on account of the new attention since the X-men movie- and things are looking up!  :-)

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    I came back yesterday (7/25/01), from a three week vacation, to an email box full of business needing to be taken care of.   As I gamely delved deeper I found that there was alot of work to be done.   Part of this was an email from Marvel saying;

"Dear Marvel Fan, It has come to our attention that you are using Marvel's copyrighted and/or trademarked materials on your website without permission. Protecting Marvel's many valuable trademarks and copyrights are of utmost importance to Marvel. At the same time, Marvel's fans and their websites are also very important to us. Marvel created the Authorized Fan Site Program to protect its valuable assets while allowing our fans to continue to use certain of our copyrighted and trademarked materials on their websites. If you would like to keep using our materials on your website then we would love to have you join our Authorized Fan Site Program."

Oh yes, they would love me to join their "Authorized Fan Site Program".  There is a four letter word that comes to mind that starts with an N and ends with an i, and another 9 letter word that starts with an M and ends with a t.  This seems to be a start to an evil empire, and as I grudgingly fill out the "Fan" form I feel doom breathing icily down my neck.  They do seem quite cheery in the email...... that does not bode particularly well for me.......

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The Origional Rant:

One day, while surfing the net, (out of a morbid sense of curiosity),
I visited a few Rogue pages, and was horrified by what I saw.
I was not prepared for the change in style that has taken place in the last few years.
(I hadn't picked up a comic in years!)
None of the pages I visited had any images from the Stan Lee (AOA not included) era-
which constitute the best years in my mind (*Whyyy, in my days..... ;-)

I was driven to create this page featuring the many changes that Rogue has undergone since joining
the X-Men, many years ago.